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Nov. 4-6 | Orange County Convention Center | Orlando, FL

Why Exhibit?

people walk onto the show floor from the GlassBuild 2024 entrance

Gathering the Glazing & Fenestration Industry

GlassBuild America is the largest event for the glass, window and door industries in North America.

Hosted by the National Glass Association, the three-day event attracts exhibitors from around the world, showcasing what's next in machinery, equipment, products, technologies, and services. Our goal at GlassBuild America is to help you connect with more customers and increase your sales

There is no better place to reach the largest audience of professionals in the glass and fenestration industries  

  • Support the industry
  • Network with prospective customers
  • Showcase your equipment, products, and services
  • Increase brand awareness

Who Attends?

2024 GlassBuild America Attendee Demographics

Here's What GlassBuild Exhibitors Can Expect


100 - 1500 square feet

Member: $39.75
Non-Member: $44.75 

1600 - 2000 square feet (10% volume discount) 

Member: $36.15
Non-Member: $40.40 

2100 - 2500 square feet (15% volume discount) 

Member: $33.97
Non-Member: $38.22

2600 - 3000 square feet (20% volume discount) 

Member: $32.05
Non-Member: $36.05

3100 - 4900 square feet (25% volume discount) 

Member: $30.12
Non-Member: $33.87 

5000 square feet and above (30% volume discount) 

Member: $28.20
Non-Member: $31.70


  • Minimum Exhibit Space Size: 100 Square Feet (9 square meters) 10 feet x 10 feet (3 meters x 3 meters). All prices are per net square foot. 
  • Members benefit from discounts as partner companies associated with NGA and FGIA. Also, there are discounts based on space size.  


  • Inline booths come with pipe and drape (back drape measures 10' wide by 8' high, and the side rails are 10' feet wide by 3' high). It is not a solid wall/surface and cannot support posters. 
  • A cardstock/heavy paper id sign (44” wide by 7” high) that hangs from the back pipe will be available for inline booths only. Island booth configurations do not include pipe & drape. 

*Floor space for GlassBuild America is sold in increments of 10'x10' (100 NSF). 


  • Overall promotion to potential attendees via the website, email, and print 
  • Free promotional tools such as a Customer Invite Code and logos 
  • Company listings on the website and Show Catalog both alphabetically and by-product 
  • Appropriate editorial coverage in official publications (print and/or electronic) 
  • Five (5) Exhibitor Badges per 100 NSF providing access to all activities on the show floor 
  • General Security at the Show 


Exhibiting companies (or their exhibitor appointed contractor) order the following Items directly through the official General Services Contractor, Freeman, appropriate Official Vendors and/or exclusive vendors of the venue, Orange County Convention Center (OCCC).


  • Contractors and Vendors require pre-payment of services, preferably by credit card. 
  • Vendor Order Forms will be accessible via the Exhibitor Portal in Spring 2025. Exhibit contacts will receive an email announcement when they are available.

Expand Your Reach with Sponsorships

Expand brand recognition beyond your booth space. Utilize sponsorships to amplify your presence at GlassBuild America with additional exposure before, during, and even after the show.

Stay tuned for 2025 sponsorship opportunities.

Sponsor GlassBuild 2025 Advertise in Our Publications

Need more help or information?

Want to exhibit at GlassBuild America?

We're now booking space for GlassBuild America 2025. Join us Nov. 4-6 in Orlando, FL! Showcase your equipment, products and services, increase your brand awareness and win business at GlassBuild America, the largest glass, window and door trade show in North America.