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Mon-Wed, Sept. 30-Oct. 2 | Dallas, TX

GlassBuild America 2020 and COVID-19 FAQs 

As COVID-19 continues to impact everyone and everything, the National Glass Association is sharing what we know and what we are planning for.

Please email the NGA Industry Events team at if you have additional questions, and we will do our best to update this FAQ as quickly as possible.   


Q: Is GlassBuild America happening this year? 

A: Yes. GlassBuild America is still scheduled for September 15-17, 2020, in Las Vegas. It may look different as we incorporate measures to ensure public safety, but right now, we’re planning for the show to go on until and unless we’re told it cannot. This much we do know: GlassBuild America unites our industry for business and connection, and these necessities will be more important than ever once the health crisis is past. 

Q: How are you proceeding with the show amid travel restrictions and distancing mandates? 

A: By doing everything we can to understand what we can and can’t do between now and September. This is informed by the following: 

  • GlassBuild America is still five months away. Our vendors and others have all told us, “that’s too far away to predict what can or can’t happen.” And so, we proceed as planned.  
  • GlassBuild America may present the only in-person opportunity on this continent for buyers to find processing, fabrication, handling, installation, education and product solutions for the remainder of this year. 
  • Customers are still signing up for remaining booth space on the floor, and others are finalizing their booth payments.  
  • We’re in constant contact with Freeman, other vendors and meetings experts to stay on top of what other organizations with big shows are doing and planning.  
  • Cities, convention centers and every other entity connected to the trade show business is laser-focused on hygiene to reassure customers and protect revenues. 
  • We’re following CDC guidance on when and what to do with respect to all travel. 

Time will tell, but as of right now, major U.S. events, including both the Democratic and Republican Conventions in August, are still “on.” 


Q: Will NGA declare force majeure* and cancel the show? 

A: NGA cannot declare force majeure.  Government entities, like the Las Vegas Convention Center, would determine if GlassBuild cannot be held.   If deemed safe by the Las Vegas Convention Center, the City of Las Vegas and State of Nevada, NGA is contractually obligated to proceed with the event.  


Q: When will a decision be made on whether or not GlassBuild America will be held? 

A: At this time, with the current information available, GlassBuild will proceed as planned. Since COVID-19 is an ever-changing situation, we are monitoring advice from the Centers for Disease Control and other government entities. We are in regular contact with the Las Vegas Convention Center, hotels and other vendors involved in GlassBuild. We are monitoring the entire trade show universe as well. If there are any changes in plans due to government bans, the CDC or consultations with the Las Vegas Convention Center, we will inform exhibitors and attendees as soon as possible.   


Q: How is NGA ensuring the safety of GlassBuild attendees and exhibitors? 

A: Your safety is paramount. In addition to following government protocols, NGA will make additional investments to ensure safety, comfort and confidence of everyone entering the show, including hand sanitizing stations, face masks and physical distancing measures.  


Q: What is the Las Vegas Convention Center doing to ensure events are safe?    

A: The Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC) is among the first facilities in the nation to undergo and implement the GBAC STAR facility accreditation program on cleaning, disinfection and infectious disease prevention.  Read more here on how the LVCC is making this its top priority in its commitment to the health and safety of employees and visitors. 


Q: Can I receive a refund if I cancel my exhibit space or sponsorship? 

A: If force majeure is invoked by a Nevada government body that releases GlassBuild America from its contractual agreements, NGA will in turn release its customers from contractual obligations and issue appropriate exhibit booth and sponsorship refunds.  Unlike our vendors, members and customers, GlassBuild is not eligible for government forgiveness loans or any other compensation for-profit companies can apply for because NGA is a 501(c)6 nonprofit trade association. Under the current CARES act, only charitable organizations are eligible for relief. 


Q: Who should I contact with any questions? 


Q: When will housing and registration open? 

A: Housing is open to exhibitors now; please contact  GlassBuild registration will open in early summer.


We will continue to update you on this website and via newsletters and other means. You can also stay informed through government health agencies, including:  


*Force majeure is French for "superior force."  This is included as a contract provision excusing a party's performance obligations when certain events or circumstances beyond that party's control delay performance or make performance commercially impracticable, illegal, inadvisable or impossible.  Examples of force majeure: war, riots, earthquakes, hurricanes, lockouts, etc. 

Want to exhibit at GlassBuild America?

We're now booking space for GlassBuild America 2025. Join us Nov. 4-6 in Orlando, FL! Showcase your equipment, products and services, increase your brand awareness and win business at GlassBuild America, the largest glass, window and door trade show in North America.