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Mon-Wed, Sept. 30-Oct. 2 | Dallas, TX

GlassBuild America 2022

Get Inspired, Live and In-Person, at GlassBuild

If you’re the person your company relies upon to be inventive, come up with big ideas, and set strategy, then GlassBuild is the place to get inspired, have collaborative in-person conversations, and arrive at (hopefully!) several decisions on how to grow.

By Casey Anderson |

Countdown to GlassBuild

Call us old school, but there is something special about shaking a hand, passing out a business card, and building long-term, personal partnerships with our customers. Seeing old friends and making new ones. We couldn’t be more excited to showcase our new booth, equipment, and tooling in Las Vegas!

By Elliott Jones |

Want to exhibit at GlassBuild America 2024?

Join us September 30-October 2 in Dallas, TX! Showcase your equipment, products and services, increase your brand awareness and win business at GlassBuild America, the largest glass, window and door trade show in North America.