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Nov. 4-6 | Orange County Convention Center | Orlando, FL

Education & Events


Education. Workshops. Networking. You can find it all at GlassBuild America 2021.

Glazing Executives Forum

The Glazing Executives Forum, will be held Sept. 13 at GlassBuild America 2021 in Atlanta. Go deeper into top-of-mind topics unique to installing companies, including the exclusive industry-focused Economic Forecast by Connor Lokar of ITR Economics. 

At this one-day conference, leaders of contract glazing and full-service glass companies come together to learn and share best business practices, along with an opportunity to walk the GlassBuild America trade show floor.  For those who want to get more involved, a meeting of NGA’s Installing Committee is also held in conjunction with the Glazing Executives Forum. (Pictured: Glazing Executives Forum 2019.)

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NGA Glass Conference: September

This is part 2 of the NGA Glass Conference, continued from the online meeting on July 20. The NGA Glass Conference: September will refocus on the traditional core values of the conference – an opportunity to be among peers from across the supply chain and time for collaborative discussions. Topics include building and school security, bird-friendly glazing options, standards and codes updates, global warming potential, anisotropy, shower enclosures and more. Conversations will focus on engaging our stakeholders to promote, educate and advocate, as well as identify areas to elevate and expand for the betterment of the industry. The conference will conclude with hands-on action steps applicable to each of NGA’s committees.

Registrants will also be able to attend a special economic outlook presentation as well as a tour and networking reception at the Mercedes Benz Stadium.

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Want to exhibit at GlassBuild America?

We're now booking space for GlassBuild America 2025. Join us Nov. 4-6 in Orlando, FL! Showcase your equipment, products and services, increase your brand awareness and win business at GlassBuild America, the largest glass, window and door trade show in North America.