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Nov. 4-6 | Orange County Convention Center | Orlando, FL

If You're Busy, Come to GlassBuild to Get it All Done

As I am running through my schedule into next year, I realize how busy I am. The smart move is to prioritize…

  • I should probably look into some big end of year purchases for financial offset purposes. 
  • I should definitely do some research on the latest and greatest the glazing world has to offer to help my company expand/be better/see the best and newest products available. 
  • It would be great to take a moment to sit down and discuss the new trends and happenings with the best and brightest in the trade. 
  • But most importantly, I need to unwind and spend time with the great people and friends within the glazing world. 

Hold the phone. I can do ALL of this at #Glassbuild 2023 in Atlanta, Georgia! And truthfully, so should you. It is a MASSIVE show and gathering. There is so much to see, learn, touch and take home. A real treat is being able to see and interact with the great people there, make new connections, have a few drinks and collaborate on some money-making ventures. 

The National Glass Association (NGA) pulls no punches and throws it all at this one (read: the biggest Glass and Glazing event in the Western Hemisphere). Facts are facts, people. Products, machines and services galore. 

Registration is open, so sign up now at This is an all-upside type of event that is worth the trip. If you happen to see me on the floor, please address me as Ambassador Hardman... or not. But me and my trusty glass cutter will be there looking to meet and greet and wear out another pair of sneakers at this massive event. 

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Want to exhibit at GlassBuild America?

We're now booking space for GlassBuild America 2025. Join us Nov. 4-6 in Orlando, FL! Showcase your equipment, products and services, increase your brand awareness and win business at GlassBuild America, the largest glass, window and door trade show in North America.