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Nov. 4-6 | Orange County Convention Center | Orlando, FL

Futureproof Your Company in Three Days

GlassBuild 2021 is a ‘GO’! I’m happy to report that GlassBuild is back in person, and that we have the venue, team and measures for an amazing, safe event. Now some thoughts on why you don’t want to miss this important glass and fenestration industry reunion.
Your supply chain got kneecapped. Everyone’s did. You can moan and point fingers at politicians, pandemics or purple unicorns. But no matter what, lead times are outta whack, material shortages are real and here for a while, and your customers and customers' customers don’t care.
You need bodies. Your speed and capacity are handicapped by people-power gaps. You need to do more with less. These problems aren’t unique to you.

GlassBuild Solutions 

The good news is that the solutions, much like the pain points, are universal. They can all be found at GlassBuild. In just three days, you can futureproof your company with:

1. Supply chain contingency plans.

Beef up that vendor list to make sure you have the products you need when you need them. Meet new, better and more companies (hundreds!) that can deliver the goods.

2. Equipment, tools and software.

Amp your output, speed and quality while optimizing your yields and profits…with fewer people. Literally thousands of products are on display.

3. Idea sharing.

Swap headaches and war stories with like-minded industry counterparts who have experienced the same obstacles, emergencies and growing pains. Grab a beer or coffee and troubleshoot with someone who actually ‘gets it.’

You got this, but you gotta put in the work and spend the time. Your company’s longevity, your personal marketability and your bottom line will thank you. Realize those business gains at GlassBuild America, the biggest glass, glazing and fenestration event in the world this year. Join me in Atlanta Sept. 13-15.

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Want to exhibit at GlassBuild America?

We're now booking space for GlassBuild America 2025. Join us Nov. 4-6 in Orlando, FL! Showcase your equipment, products and services, increase your brand awareness and win business at GlassBuild America, the largest glass, window and door trade show in North America.